The 24th Feakle International Festival of Traditional Irish Music
August 3rd – 8th, 2011
Feakle in East Clare hosts an annual music festival that attracts music lovers from all corners of the globe. Now in its 24th year the festival is known for its quality music, friendliness and welcome to fans of the music.
July 29th – August 1st, 2011
Frankie Gavin & De Danann to play at O’Carolan Harp and Traditional Music Festival Keadue, Co. Roscommon.The world famous traditional group De Danann is booked to play at the Keadue O’Carolan Harp Festival on Sunday night August 1st. The group led by leading fiddle player, Frankie Gavin has played to packed audiences at this venue on numerous occasions over the years. The Festival has established itself over the years as one of Ireland’s leading musical events.
The Galway Early Music Festival
May 20th – 22nd, 2011
From the Irish harpers of the 17th century to the court musicians of Europe, with a stop in a medieval alehouse or two, the Galway Early Music Festival, May 20th-22nd, works its musical magic once again. With the old saying in mind, “He who pays the piper calls the tune”, this year’s festival touches a sensitive subject: the relationship between musician and patron. What was the social status of a medieval, renaisance or baroque musician and composer? How does musical innovation happen when a patron has to approve? And what happens when the patrons disappear?
17th Catskills Irish Arts Week
July 10th – 16th, 2011
The 17th Annual Catskills Irish Arts Week takes place in upstate New York from July 10th to July 16th, 2011 in the picturesque hamlet of East Durham, a destination for the Irish for many decades. The largest group of Irish traditional musicians for any North American Summer School will once again join the highly respected teaching and performing staff along with many of the top North American artists.
Coming over this year from Ireland for the CIAW are Mary Bergin, Kathleen Boyle, John Carty, Mairead Casey, Eamonn and Geraldine Cotter, Matt Cranitch, Paul deGrae, Jackie Daly, Maeve Donnelly, Colm Gannon, Len Graham, Charlie Harris, Kathleen Loughnane, Mirella Murray, Caitlin nic Gabhann, Blackie O’Connell, Conal O’Grada, Padraig Rynne, Jesse Smith and Mary Staunton.
July 2nd – 10th, 2011
Tony Kearns has been documenting Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy since the early 1990’s, and his photographic collections illustrate many aspects of the school – classroom activities, workshops, public recitals, and informal sessions of music, song and dance, the essence of the Willie Clancy week. He has published a selection of his work in Music & Light/Ceol & Solas (2008), and on the opening Saturday of the school will deliver the Breandán Breathnach Memorial Lecture, An Eye for the Music, which discusses the relationship between photography and Irish traditional music. Dingle is the home of a vibrant Wran Boy tradition. Aoife Granville, flute player, tutor at the Willie Clancy School and lecturer at the School of Music, UCC has researched Wran traditions in Munster and in the Monday lecture she focuses on one of the Dingle Wrans, the Sráid Eoin Wran Boys. For the past number of years the Tuesday of summer school week has been devoted to celebrating the life and work of a musician who has made a significant contribution to the Irish musical heritage. This year features the life and music of the Clare fiddle, flute and pipe player, Peadar Ó Lochlainn, who is regarded as one of the masters of the musical tradition. Recently a recording he made with Aggie Whyte in 1963, on the short lived Spól label, was reissued by Na Píobairí Uilleann. Seancheol ar an Seannós is considered a classic among Irish traditional music recordings. The tribute, which features contributions from his friends and fellow musicians, will be coordinated by piper and RTE presenter and producer, Peter Browne. Elizabeth (Bess) Cronin, “The Muskerry Queen of Song”, will be the topic of Wednesday’s lecture when her grandson, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, examines his grandmother’s important legacy to Irish traditional song. He published a complete collection of her songs, The Songs of Elizabeth Cronin, in 2000. Charlie Piggott, founder member of De Danann and accordion and banjo player, will conclude the lecture series on Thursday when he explores the music of Galway box player, Joe Cooley, a musician who had strong associations with Clare music and musicians and was an influential figure in traditional music.
Cup of Tae Festival
April 29th – May 2nd, 2011
The Cup Of Tae Festival May bank holiday weekend is this year celebrating its tenth anniversary. Based around one of Donegal’s most famous fiddlers John the Tae Gallagher, the festival is now a firmly established date on the calender of events. What makes it special? For many it is the spontanous session that can just happen in this lovely town of Ardara, the many famous musicians that just turn up or the famous schools of music that is synonous with this festival and of coarse the wonderful warmth of the people of this picturesqe village on Donegals western seashore.
Féile Patrick Byrne
April 14th – 17th, 2011
The Féile Patrick Byrne takes place on the weekend before Easter in and around Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. Now in its fifth year this community festival commemorates the local nineteenth century harper Patrick Byrne who was the first Irish traditional musician ever photographed.
The festival will be launched with the annual Patrick Byrne lecture on Thursday 14th April. Then on Friday 15th Seána Davey, one of Ireland’s most accomplished young harpers, will give an intimate concert in the atmospheric setting of St. Finbarr’s Church. Featuring material from her recent debut album this promises to be a very special occasion.
Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre - Forthcoming Events
Date: Friday, 11th March.
The Water Tower Bucket boys have a unique version of bluegrass in a brand-new century.
Venue: The Séamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 8020898
Time: Doors open: 7.30 p.m. Performance commences: 8.30 p.m.
Adm: €16
Forthcoming Events:
Date: 17th March,
Event: Session with Gerry O’Connor, Martin Quinn and Nuala Kennedy.
Time: 2.00 p.m. onwards.
Musician Mairtin O’Connor Launches his First Book at NUI Galway
Traditional Irish Musician and honorary graduate of NUI Galway, Máirtín Ó Connor, will launch his first book of tunes on Tuesday, 22 March at 6pm in the College Bar at the University. It will be launched by Director of the Arts Council, Mary Cloake.
The beautifully illustrated book entitled, ‘Inside the Box, Outside the Box’ has been compiled by Máirtín himself and its composition reflects the depth of his connection to Irish Music. It includes transcriptions of some of Máirtín’s popular tunes as well as some tunes that have not previously been recorded. The tunes range from those that are easy-to-play and some that are more technically demanding.
THE KILKENNYS with narration by Cathal MacCabe
The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem were a musical phenomenon. One of the biggest bands to ever come out of Ireland, their influence can be heard everywhere from The Dubliners, U2, Van Morrison to the great Bob Dylan who claimed that Liam Clancy was the best ballad singer in the world. This show features the best new folk band to emerge from Ireland for years, The Killkennys, performing the hits that made The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem household names: The Holy Ground, I’ll Tell Me Ma, Will Ye Go, Lassie Go, The Parting Glass and, of course, Fine Girl Ye Are. This show tells their incredible journey in picture, song & story.
The Clancy Brothers were an Irish music sensation who took the US by storm in the early ’60’s - with Bob Dylan among their earliest supporters. Bob Dylan and Liam Clancy became lifelong friends. In fact Bob Dylan stole Liam Clancy’s girlfriend in the early days but they still remained friends right up to when Liam Clancy sadly passed away. Bob Dylan always maintained that Liam Clancy was one of his main influences when he was starting out. He never missed a chance to mention him in interviews throughout his career.