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At Jigs & Reels the aim is to promote Traditional Irish Music. By including a variety of instruments and various methods of teaching they are providing an easy, exciting learning experience available to everyone. They believe many more people would learn Irish music if there were easier ways of learning available. Some people may be embarrassed to learn in front of others, some will think they are to old, others will feel they haven’t the time to commit to a regular weekly lesson or may feel it could be too expensive.

At Jigs & Reels you can have a go without spending a fortune. There is no fixed subscription time limit so you can try it and see how quickly you progress but if you find it’s not for you, you can cancel at anytime. Their aim initially is to target beginners and those at an intermediate level who may have a basic understanding of music. Their simple tutorials and audios show the fundamental elements needed to start learning Traditional Irish Music. Although they promote the learning ‘by ear’ of Irish Music they also offer the tunes in the ABC format and manuscript, so you have all the resources at your fingertips. They do, however, cater for all abilities, so for the more advanced musician they will have a very extensive library of tunes and recordings available very soon, with bonus material on style, tips, ornamentation, instrument advice, session finder etc.

Please visit Twitter @jigsnreelsmusic or  for more information

Permalink - Posted: November 15, 2012 at 3:36 pm